Mini City Moms
Here you'll find a group of some of Mini City's favorite people and contributors, and we are always looking for more voices to add to this crazy beautiful motherhood mix. Scroll through the bios to get to know us and then submit your own info if you're interested in becoming a contributor!
Blogging for 8 years as Mamatoga, Jenny created Mini City to be able to expand the community created with her first site and share more stories and voices. A mom of five with baby number 6 on the way, Jenny and her husband live in upstate NY. She likes tipis, her book club besties, peanut butter and unicorn ice cream.
Amanda is the editor of the brand new Mini City ADKs, and lives with her husband Jim and daughter Lilliana in Wilmington, New York along with their dog Lucy, a few chickens and several thousand bees. Follow along on what’s happening for families in the Adirondacks at Mini City ADKs here.
Jess is an upstate NY native who lives in Saratoga County with her husband and two young sons. Jess works full time as well as a children's mindful and meditation educator.
Amber is the owner of The Bundle Store, a pediatric occupational therapist, and mother of two girls. She’s passionate about community and a pro at living the chaos of motherhood while being an entrepreneur. Originally from upstate NY but a former habitant of other east coast cities, Amber finds gratitude in being able to nurture her local beginnings.
Jennifer is a freelance writer and former publishing professional, passionate about the power of words and stories to connect and inspire us. She is a recently returned Upstate New York native who lives in
Saratoga County with her husband and two sons.
Lauren lives a stone’s throw from Saratoga Springs and loves exploring what the area has to offer. She enjoys live music, documentaries, dance, design, and anything creative to counterbalance her day job as a project manager.