Northshire Bookstore is pleased to announce a new college scholarship award - The Open Mind Scholarship. The Open Mind Scholarship honors the diversity of thought, feelings, information and perspectives found in books, as well as the power of books to change people’s lives.
Each year Northshire Bookstore will award one college-bound high school senior in New York State a $1000 scholarship to help pay for college. There is a similar program in place for Vermont students.
To enter the contest, students need to write up to one page on how a book has exposed them to something new and how it has impacted their life. Submissions are due by 3/31/2018. To enter, email the submission to
For more information on Northshire Bookstore in Saratoga Springs, call 518-682-4200 or 1-855-339-5990, or visit the Northshire Bookstore website at