Join the Tang Teaching Museum at Skidmore College on Saturday, April 14 for Family Saturday: Sonic Artmaking.
After listening to sounds we find in and around the museum, we will make audio recordings and "weave" sonic collages and audio tapestries from the sounds we captured.
Family Saturday: Sonic Artmaking is produced in association with Professor Adam Tinkle, the students of his Participatory Documentary, Community Media, and Socially-Engaged Art course, and the Upstate Youth Radio and Podcast Project. Learn more here.
Family Saturdays foster multigenerational creative cooperation through looking at artwork, discussing it, and engaging in a hands-on art activity. Most programs run from 2:00 – 3:30 pm and include a tour of a specific exhibition.
All programs are free and open to the public, and suitable for children ages 5 and older, accompanied by their adult companions. Materials are provided. Reservations are required—for additional information and reservations, call the Tang’s Visitor Service Desk at 518-580-8080. This program will be capped at 25 participants.
Share your Family Saturday photos on social media by including #tangfamsat.
Visit the Tang's website website for more information: