Head to Saratoga Strike Zone to Strike Out MIOP on Sunday, January 28th from 11-1. $25 per bowler includes:
• 2 games
• Shoes
• 2 slices of pizza
• Soda
• Bumper car ride
• Great Raffle Items
All proceeds go directly to helping MIOP patients and research! Malignant Infantile Osteopetrosis (MIOP) is a very rare, genetic, bone disease. Approximately 1 out of 250,000 children are born with MIOP.
“Normal” bones have proper working osteoblasts, which build new bone and osteoclasts, which breaks down bone tissue. A baby born with MIOP does not have proper functioning osteoclasts. Therefore, bone continues to build without ever breaking down. Among many other health problems, this causes bone fractures, vision and hearing problems, and difficulty fighting infections.
To find out more about the Ryan Wersten MIOP Foundation visit http://www.curemiop.org.