The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College announces its Fall 2019 Family Saturdays, a series of multigenerational creative collaborations on each Saturday from October 5 through November 23.
Each program includes looking at artwork in the museum’s fall exhibitions, discussing and sharing ideas, and engaging in a hands-on art activity inspired by those conversations. The spring exhibitions includeElevator Music 39: Bug; Beauty and Bite; Serious Sparkle; and Ree Morton: The Plant That Heals May Also Poison.
Most of the free programs run from 2:00 to 3:30 PM, unless otherwise specified, and are suitable for children ages 5 and older, accompanied by their adult companions.
This fall the Tang will be offering an extra session for tweens on two Saturdays: Oct. 26 and Nov. 9. On those days, the session from 1:00 to 2:30 PM will be for children age 5 to 9 and their adult companions; and the session from 3:00 to 4:30 PM will be for tweens age 10 to 13 and their adult companions.
Fall also brings the 17th Annual Make-a-Turkey-Out-of-a-Potato Festival, which will take place Saturday Nov. 23, the weekend before Thanksgiving.
Registration is required for all Family Saturday events. You can register beginning one week before each program. To register, call the Tang’s Visitors Services Desk at 518-580-8080.
The Tang welcome visitors of all abilities. Be prepared to get messy and have fun! Share your Family Saturday photos on social media by including #tangfamsat.
October 12: What Empowers You?
In the exhibition Serious Sparkle, we will explore how artists discuss the idea of beauty and power. What empowers each of us? After thinking about this question, we will create our own masks that reflect the ways that we feel empowered!