Race in Children’s Media Workshop at Saratoga Independent School
Tuesday, February 26 from 6:00-7:30 pm
Media depictions are very influential to young people’s perceptions of others; join us as we examine depictions of race in children’s media. Through video clips, small and large group discussion, we will use Disney as a familiar case study to understand representations of the “other” in film. Then, we will discuss concrete strategies for talking about race in the media with our children. The workshop will be led by Dr. Kristie A. Ford, professor of sociology and founder of the Intergroup Relations Program at Skidmore College. Open to the public. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by clicking here.
Background: The Saratoga Independent School Parent Association, together with Lisa Brown, Head of School, formed a committee to focus intentionally on issues of race, diversity, children, and education. The committee believes that a focus on these issues are especially important given the demographic makeup of Saratoga County.
About Dr. Ford: Dr. Kristie A. Ford is professor of sociology and the Director of the Center for Leadership, Teaching, and Learning (CLTL) at Skidmore College. She received her B.A. in sociology from Amherst College and her M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her research and teaching interests include: race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, and social justice education.
About Saratoga Independent School: Founded in 1991, SIS is a New York state-chartered private school accredited by the New York State Independent Schools Association. The school’s mission is to empower students to become confident learners who are capable of critical thinking, problem solving and teamwork. It strives to equip its students with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in an increasingly complex world, while enriching each day of their childhood. It provides students with an environment in which a high priority is placed on respect and caring for one another.
Saratoga Independent School is located at 459 Lake Avenue Saratoga Springs.