ALBANY - MEET A SLOTH and so much more! Come to our first annual Natural History Exhibition, coming to you February 9th and 10th!
The Foundation for Animal Rescue and Education is combining forces with Little Ray’s Nature Centers and ZooAmerica to bring you this fun, educational event for all ages. This 12,000 square foot exhibit features a Sloth, Armadillo, Owls, Falcon, Alligator, Hawk, Snakes, Tarantulas, Tortoises, Bunnies, Ferrets, and much, more!
This amazing interactive, educational exhibit will feature over 30 LIVE ANIMAL EXHIBITS for people to enjoy at their leisure, 2 highly interactive 30-minute educational programs that will rotate 15 minutes apart each day and boat loads of staff with animals out for people to interact with in a family-friendly, hands-on environment. In addition to being fun and educational, it also supports many amazing causes!
Give yourself a good 1.5 to 2 hours to see and do everything.
SHARE TO WIN A VIP MEET AND GREET - If you are interested in a VIP meet and greet with our incredible sloth simply 'Share' this post. All shares will be entered into a draw and 2 families will be selected to come in Sunday morning before we open for an amazing intimate encounter with one of nature's coolest and most mysterious animals.
Saturday February 9th - 10am - 5pm
Sunday February 10th - 10am - 5pm
Little Ray's Nature Centres - 10:15/11:45/1:15/2:45/4:15
Birds of Prey by ZooAmerica - 11:00/12:30/2:00/3:30
**Please note the sloth only comes out during the Little Ray’s presentations**
Empire State Plaza Convention Center
Room 130, Concourse Level
Albany, NY 12242
Tickets available at the door or online:
Single Admission: $14.00
Admission with Facebook Share $12 ***
After 4 people in a group, each person is: $10
Kids 2 and under are FREE
SAVE: Buy tickets in advance (available up to 7 days before the event):
Regular admission: $12
Admission with Facebook share: $10***
Kids 2 and under are FREE
*** Use code SHARE to get the discount. Please take a screen shot or photo of your 'share' and show us at the door along with your ticket ***
*** ACCESSIBILITY $$$ - We are certain people appreciate the expense of putting on these events but we do not want to be cost prohibitive. If you know anyone who would like to attend but for one reason or another this is not possible for financial reasons, please email and we will gladly arrange entrance that works for them/you ***
*** SPECIAL TIMES FOR SPECIAL NEEDS FAMILIES - We recognize that many families have children with special needs who could benefit greatly from these events however, may not be able to attend as they may not do well in crowds. We will be opening at 9:00 am on SATURDAY for special needs families to attend as our guests. This first hour will be for you and of course siblings are welcome.